
Research Section

At MIT we are passionate about education and how technology can enhance the teaching learning experience. While many schools and colleges have embraced some forms of digital transformation, many others do not have a clear vision or plan for this. In many cases it is simply because they do not have the know-how or expertise themselves and don’t know where to start. Or else, they have started but are unsure where to go next.

This is where MIT can assist; with over 20 years’ experience in the education sector working with schools and colleges of all sizes, the company provides a suite of solutions to help with the digital transformation of your school or college.

“The pandemic forced schools and colleges to consider how they could deliver the same high-quality teaching and learning experience in an online environment. To many educational establishments, that was a challenge, and one in which we were able to provide guidance and focussed solutions around smart technologies.” (Morris, 2022)

Smart technologies include AI based systems, adaptive learning technologies, data analytics, and blockchain. According to the OECD in their ‘Digital Education Outlook 2021’ publication, smart technologies can contribute to the creation of more effective, equitable, and efficient education systems. The report goes on to discuss how the data collected from these smart systems can be used to improve learning outcomes for students and inform decision-making for management.

Please check back here for some resources and research papers that shed more light on the fascinating work that the OECD and many other bodies are working on to progress education and learning throughout the world.

OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021

OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021. Pushing the frontiers with AI, blockchain, and robots

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The OECD YouTube Channel

Various Videos and Images from the EduSkills OECD

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OECD Education Website

The OECD's work on education helps individuals and nations to identify and develop the knowledge and skills that drive better jobs and better lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion.

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EdTech World Forum 2022 - London, May 30-31

EDTECH WORLD FORUM 2022 is the leading educational technology conference based in London UK Europe.

Resource Link

School Cyberattacks Explained – Education Week, Alyson Klyne

What to know about ransomware and denial-of-service attacks, and why hackers target K-12 schools

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Irish Government - Department of Education Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027

The Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027 and the associated reports are available here.

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Phishing Simulations Playbook

10 Best Practices for an effective Phishing Simulation Programme

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